Three of the best prepping strategies to prevent a fuel shortage during a crisis

Saturday, April 07, 2018 by

We’ve grown accustomed to living with both gasoline and propane, but when SHTF, preppers know that it’s possible to live without fuel.

However, it doesn’t mean life without gasoline or fuel is going to be as easy as when you have access to them. (h/t to

Fuel prepping strategies

Below are three prepping strategies that you can try so you’ll have access to fuel even after disaster strikes:

  1. First, you can keep a 500-gallon propane tank as your backup fuel, and you can use it when winter comes. You can pair it with a wall-mounted gas heater so you can keep your home nice and warm. This is an efficient way to heat the home, and it won’t deplete the propane in your tank. This method can also help keep the heat on when you’re experiencing temporary power outages. A standard and safe home heating system, a 500-gallon tank and a wall-mounted heater are easy to set up. If you conserve the fuel, a single tank can last for as long as a year. (Related: Top eight ways to heat your home during an emergency grid-down scenario.)
  2. You can also stock up on some 20-pound (lb) propane tanks. They’re a portable and versatile solution. In fact, you might already own one or a couple of these tanks if you have a backyard grill. This method can also serve as a cooking prep, and the tanks are conspicuous enough not to arouse suspicion if you keep several in your garage. The tanks can be used to power either your grill or a portable heater when SHTF, and the propane won’t go bad, unlike gas. It’s better to have several extra tanks, but don’t keep them in your basement. Since propane is heavier than air if a valve cracks open or a tank leaks, the explosive and toxic gas might fill your basement. The gas can suffocate someone and a single spark can cause an explosion.
  3. Lastly, you can stock up on some gasoline cans. When stored properly in sturdy cans, gasoline will last for a long time. Get some five-gallon cans so you won’t have a hard time lifting the cans when you need to use the fuel. Start filling some gasoline cans today, and use them up on a rotating schedule so your stock doesn’t go to waste. Once a year has passed since you’ve filled the cans, you can start using them before you refill each can. Store the gas cans outside your house in a shed or garage, but it’s better to keep them lined up against a side near the door so you can easily access them.

If you decide on getting the 20-lb propane tanks, don’t buy several in go. You don’t want to alert your neighbors that you’re stocking up on fuel.

Plan carefully and choose a fuel storage system that suits your needs. When SHTF you’ll still have access to fuel so you can cook and stay warm.

Tips for proper fuel storage

Check out these tips on how to store gasoline and propane properly:

  • Storing gasoline – Gas often lasts for at least a year, depending on where you store it. Any longer than a year and gas can become highly unusable. There are products that can be added to gasoline to increase its shelf life, such as gasoline stabilizer additives. When periodically added to your stored fuel, they can prevent the natural deterioration of its ignition properties. Because gas and its vapors are highly flammable, store it away from extreme elements like direct sunlight, extreme moisture, and extreme temperatures. Keep your gas cans locked so children can’t reach them. Choose a storage location that’s about 50 feet away from any ignition sources (like pilot lights). Take note that gasoline vapor is heavier than air and that it can travel along the floor to ignition sources. Seal all cans properly.
  • Storing propane – Unlike gasoline, propane is straightforward to store. Propane can be stored in propane storage tanks in either large or small quantities and it can be stored safely for a long time.

You can learn more about other fuel storage methods at

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