In the days leading up to Hurricane Harvey making landfall in southeastern Texas, residents were advised to get out of …
The governor of the U.S. Virgin Islands has issued an order ahead of Hurricane Irma, which is fast building in …
By now you’ve probably heard about the violence in Charlottesville, Va., involving supporters of keeping a Confederate monument to Gen. …
A former Navy SEAL and founder of self-defense training firm Tactical Insider is warning of a “gruesome massacre” of far-Left …
With Iran on the move to develop a nuclear weapon and the North Koreans making repeated threats to strike the …
President Donald J. Trump has no shortage of political and media enemies in Washington, D.C., but he’s getting thousands more …
It’s beginning to look a lot like the 1990s again when Bill Clinton’s famous liberalism and fears of government take-overs …
There is no shortage of Hollywood movies featuring lone wolf hero types steeped in the warrior culture who possess highly …
If Marxist Democrats are anything, they are persistent – persistent in their hatred of the limitations imposed on them by …
Civil unrest continues to escalate in Venezuela, as news reports show a stolen police helicopter launching grenades at the country’s …
A legendary reporter, executive editor and vice president of the Washington Post says that politically divided Americans are now engaged …
Imagine hearing a loud knock on your front door and seeing a police officer demanding to enter your home. Under …
Well, what do you know: Miracles do happen for freedom-loving Americans who try to do what they can to remain …
In a letter to James Madison dated December 20, 1787, Thomas Jefferson wrote, “What country can preserve its liberties if …