Friday, April 13, 2018 by Jayson Veley
In a SHTF scenario, knowing efficient escape and evasion techniques can quite literally mean the difference between life and death. If you don’t know how to stay out of danger’s way, then danger will almost certainly confront you. PreppersWill.com recently published an article that discussed escape and evasion tactics for when stuff really hits the fan.
Remember the Seven P’s rule when it comes to planning: Proper prior planning prevents piss-poor performance. Planning – and knowing how to plan, for that matter – should be a part of every prepper’s training and study. When formulated ahead of time, having a clear, well-thought-out plan helps preppers and survivalists execute more efficiently, and, in terms of escape and evasion, will likely save their lives.
Adaptation skills
In all situations, though particularly when SHTF, it’s better to be good at a number of different things than to be a master at one or two. In a survival scenario, you never know what is going to happen – one minute you could be collecting firewood, and the next you could be fending off an attacker looking to steal your supplies. Learning adaptation skills is crucial. (Related: Here are ten overlooked survival tips that you need to know today.)
Navigation skills
There’s a very real chance that you won’t be able to simply pull out your cellphone and use Google Maps to navigate in a SHTF situation. As such, you should learn to not rely solely on apps and technology, and instead teach yourself how to navigate using tracking skills, a map and your own mind. There are even techniques that you can learn that requires nothing more than a stick and a shadow for navigation. In addition to helping you get from point A to point B, knowing how to navigate can also help you avoid potential threats, such as hostile groups that may be traveling in your immediate area. (Related: Here are five survival techniques you need to know for when society collapses.)
Getting passed obstacles
In a survival situation, you’re likely going to encounter a number of physical obstacles, whether it’s a brick wall, a fence, a tunnel or something else. Notably, if you come across a fence that you have to pass, remember to inspect it carefully before proceeding, as there are a number of different types of fences that pose a wide range of threats (barbed wire fences, electric fences, etc.). If the threat is too great, then you may have to find a different way around.
When it comes to evading an enemy, there are a number of different things to remember once you have successfully escaped their hold. First, prepare yourself both mentally and physically for your escape, and consider as many “what-if” scenarios as you possibly can. You should also conserve durable foodstuffs that can be used as rations to survive the scenario, and make full use of camouflage to make it difficult for your enemies to spot you. Lastly, try to refrain from taking risky chances – be sure that you are 100 percent certain about your plan, and then carry it out with both patience and confidence.
Evading human trackers
There are many people out there who are incredibly skilled at tracking others down, even if they have had a significant amount of time to get away. In order to successfully evade these trackers, you have to understand their methods and use effective countermeasures. Trackers often look for a number of signs that let them know that someone has been there, which may include cut or broken branches on the ground, broken spiderwebs, or really any disturbance of the surrounding natural environment. As such, you should try to minimize the number of signs that you leave behind for trackers in order to successfully evade them.
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Tagged Under: Tags: bugout, chaos, evasion, martial law, off grid, preparedness, prepping, survival